#!/usr/bin/env bash # create and rotate ZFS backups | 150415 | tamas@gerczei.eu #### BEGIN FUNCTIONS #### function usage() { # print synopsis printf "\n-=[ ZFS back-up utility ]=-\n\n\ usage: $(basename $0) [-h] [-m ] -f \n\n\ A configuration (f)ile must be supplied. An e-(m)ail address for reporting is optional.\n" } function check_dataset() { ${R_RMOD} zfs get -pHo value creation ${1} &>/dev/null return $? } function snapuse() { ${R_RMOD} zfs get -Hpo value usedbysnapshots ${1} } function human() { # found at http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/191787 nawk 'function human(x) { x[1]/=1024; if (x[1]>=1000) { x[2]++; human(x); } } {a[1]=$1; a[2]=0; human(a); printf "%.2f%s\n",a[1],substr("KMGTEPYZ",a[2]+1,1)}' <<< $1 } function backup() { # check source check_dataset ${DATASET} || { logger -t $(basename ${0%.sh}) -p user.notice "source dataset \"${DATASET}\" in configuration entry #${COUNTER} does not exist; omitting" continue 2 } # determine which local snapshots exist already SNAPSHOTS=( $(zfs list -rt snapshot -d1 -Ho name -S creation ${DATASET} 2>/dev/null) ) LASTSNAP=${SNAPSHOTS[0]} L_USED_BEFORE=$(snapuse ${DATASET}) # check target configuration if [[ ${SAVETO} =~ ^[a-zA-z0-9]+@ ]] then # remote target NETLOC=$(cut -d: -f1 <<< ${SAVETO}) # strip dataset name USER=$(cut -d@ -f1 <<< ${NETLOC}) # obtain user TARGET=$(cut -d@ -f2 <<< ${NETLOC}) # obtain host SAVETO=$(cut -d: -f2 <<< ${SAVETO}) # drop parsed data unset NETLOC # check remote host availability and user validity /usr/bin/ssh ${USER}@${TARGET} true &>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then # failed to connect, bail out logger -t $(basename ${0%.sh}) -p user.notice "${TARGET} is unreachable as ${USER}" continue 2 else # configure for remote access R_RMOD="ssh ${USER}@${TARGET}" if [ $USER != 'root' ] then RMOD="${R_RMOD} sudo" fi fi fi # check target check_dataset ${SAVETO} || { logger -t $(basename ${0%.sh}) -p user.notice "target dataset \"${SAVETO}\" in configuration entry #${COUNTER} does not exist; omitting" continue 2 } R_SNAPSHOTS=( $(${R_RMOD} zfs list -rt snapshot -d1 -Ho name -S creation ${SAVETO}/$( basename ${DATASET}) 2>/dev/null) ) check_dataset ${SAVETO}/$( basename ${DATASET}) && R_USED_BEFORE=$(snapuse ${SAVETO}/$( basename ${DATASET})) if [ ${MODE:-backup} == "backup" ] then # determine current timestamp DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M) # determine the name of the current snapshot to create NEWSNAP="${DATASET}@${DATE}" # take a snapshot zfs snapshot -r ${NEWSNAP} fi # check if source is encrypted if [ $ENCRYPTION_FEATURE != "disabled" ] then # encryption feature available ENCRYPTION=$(zfs get -Ho value encryption ${DATASET}) if [[ ${ENCRYPTION} != "off" ]] then # encryption in use, send raw stream RAW_MOD="w" fi fi # determine whether to do differential send or not if [ ! -z ${LASTSNAP} ] then # local snapshot(s) found SNAPMODIFIER="i ${LASTSNAP}" check_dataset ${SAVETO}/$(basename ${LASTSNAP}) || { # last local snapshot is not available at the destination location if [ ${#R_SNAPSHOTS[*]} -ge 1 ] then # remote snapshot(s) found R_SNAPMODIFIER="I $(dirname ${DATASET})/$(basename ${R_SNAPSHOTS[0]})" fi # send any previous snapshots zfs send -Rcv${RAW_MOD}${R_SNAPMODIFIER} ${LASTSNAP} | ${RMOD:-$R_RMOD} zfs recv -Feu${RESUME_MOD}v ${SAVETO} 2>&1 >> ${LOGFILE} if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[*]} =~ [1-9]+ ]] then # replication failure logger -t $(basename ${0%.sh}) -p user.notice "failed to replicate ${LASTSNAP} to ${TARGET:-local}:${SAVETO}" else let CHANGES++ fi } else # ensure this does not remain in effect unset SNAPMODIFIER R_SNAPMODIFIER fi if [ ${MODE:-backup} == "backup" ] then # send backup zfs send -Rcv${RAW_MOD}${SNAPMODIFIER} ${NEWSNAP} | ${RMOD:-$R_RMOD} zfs recv -Feu${RESUME_MOD}v ${SAVETO} 2>&1 >> ${LOGFILE} # if replication is unsuccessful, omit the aging check so as to prevent data loss if [[ ! ${PIPESTATUS[*]} =~ [1-9]+ ]] then let CHANGES++ THRESHOLD=$(( $KEEP * 24 * 3600 )) for SNAPSHOT in ${SNAPSHOTS[*]} do TIMESTAMP=$(zfs get -pHo value creation "${SNAPSHOT}") AGE=$(( $NOW - $TIMESTAMP )) if [ $AGE -ge $THRESHOLD ] then zfs destroy -r ${SNAPSHOT} 2>&1 >> ${LOGFILE} ${RMOD:-$R_RMOD} zfs destroy -r ${SAVETO}/$(basename ${SNAPSHOT}) 2>&1 >> ${LOGFILE} fi done else logger -t $(basename ${0%.sh}) -p user.notice "failed to replicate ${NEWSNAP} to ${TARGET:-local}:${SAVETO}, no aging" fi fi # re-evaluate snapshot data usage unset R_RMOD RMOD L_USED_AFTER=$(snapuse ${DATASET}) if [ ! -z $TARGET ] && [ ! -z $USER ] then R_RMOD="ssh ${USER}@${TARGET}" fi if [ ${CHANGES:-0} -gt 0 ] then # calculate data volume change R_USED_AFTER=$(snapuse ${SAVETO}/$( basename ${DATASET})) L_DELTA=$(( $L_USED_AFTER - $L_USED_BEFORE )) R_DELTA=$(( $R_USED_AFTER - ${R_USED_BEFORE:-0} )) for DELTA in L_DELTA R_DELTA do unset WHAT WHERE eval _DELTA=\$$DELTA if [ $_DELTA -lt 0 ] then _DELTA=$(( $_DELTA * -1 )) WHAT="freed" fi if [[ $DELTA =~ ^L ]] then WHERE="$(dirname ${DATASET})" else WHERE="${SAVETO}" fi if [ $_DELTA -ne 0 ] then _DELTA=$(human $_DELTA) logger -t $(basename ${0%.sh}) -p user.notice "$_DELTA ${WHAT:-allocated} in \"${WHERE}\" by backing up \"${DATASET}\"" fi done fi # reset remote configuration unset R_RMOD RMOD RAW_MOD } #### END FUNCTIONS #### #### BEGIN LOGIC #### while getopts hf:m:s OPTION do case "$OPTION" in f) # configuration file CFGFILE="$OPTARG" ;; m) # e-mail recipient for log RECIPIENT="$OPTARG" ;; s) # sync mode | this could also be a per-target setting to mitigate the need to call multiple jobs MODE="sync" ;; h|\?) # display help usage exit 1 ;; esac done if [ -z "${CFGFILE}" ] then echo "No configuration file supplied!" exit 1 fi ## sanity checks # verify configuration file if [ ! -f "${CFGFILE}" ] then # cannot proceed logger -t $(basename ${0%.sh}) -p user.notice "can not access configuration file \""${CFGFILE}"\"" exit 1 fi # determine platform PLATFORM_VERSION=$(uname -v) if [[ "$PLATFORM_VERSION" =~ ^joyent ]] then # SmartOS GZ has GNU date shipped by default but no perl interpreter on-board TIMECMD="\$(date +%s)" # determine pool name POOL_NAME=$(/usr/bin/sysinfo | /usr/bin/json Zpool) ENCRYPTION_FEATURE=$(/usr/sbin/zpool get -Ho value feature@encryption ${POOL_NAME}) if [ $? -ne 0 ] then # feature unknown, outdated PI logger -t $(basename ${0%.sh}) -p user.notice "ZFS encryption is not supported on $PLATFORM_VERSION" ENCRYPTION_FEATURE="disabled" fi EXTENSION_FEATURE=$(/usr/sbin/zpool get -Ho value feature@extensible_dataset ${POOL_NAME}) if [ $? -ne 0 ] then # feature unknown, outdated PI logger -t $(basename ${0%.sh}) -p user.notice "extensible datasets are not supported on $PLATFORM_VERSION" EXTENSION_FEATURE="disabled" else # check if resuming is supported if [ $EXTENSION_FEATURE == "active" ] then # extensible_dataset feature available RESUME_MOD="s" fi fi fi # determine current timestamp eval NOW="${TIMECMD:-\$(perl -e 'print time')}" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then # cannot proceed logger -t $(basename ${0%.sh}) -p user.notice "failed to determine current time on $PLATFORM_VERSION" exit 1 fi # determine current timestamp RUNDATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M) # determine the name of this script ME=$(basename ${0%.sh}) # define logging directory, defaulting to "/tmp" if omitted LOGDIR="/var/log" # determine session logfile LOGFILE="${LOGDIR:-/tmp}/${ME}_${RUNDATE}.txt" while read -u 4 DATASET SAVETO KEEP ENABLED # alternate file descriptor in use because SSH might be involved and we can not pass '-n' to it because we need stdin for 'zfs recv' do let COUNTER++ if [ ${ENABLED} == "Y" ] then # split this function -> snapshot(), sync(), age() ? -> a new backup() would call all three backup fi done 4<<< "$(egrep -v '^(#|$)' "${CFGFILE}")" # graciously overlook any comments or blank lines if [ ! -z "${RECIPIENT}" ] then # report the outcome by e-mailing the session log sendmail ${RECIPIENT} <<- EOF Subject: ${ME}_${RUNDATE} Auto-Submitted: auto-generated $(cat ${LOGFILE}) EOF fi #### END LOGIC ####