## tea: A command line tool to interact with Gitea servers ### Build - docker build . -t gitea/tea:0.5.0 ...or to build a specific release (check [here](https://gitea.com/gitea/tea/releases)): - export VERSION="0.2.0" - docker build . -t "gitea/tea:${VERSION}" --build-arg VERSION="${VERSION}" ...alternatively for development version: - docker build . -t "gitea/tea:latest" --build-arg VERSION="development" The version of Go used during the build can also be overridden by appending e.g. '--build-arg GOVERSION="1.13.10"' ### Configuration - docker volume create tea - alias tea='docker run --rm -v tea:/app -v $PWD:/repo:ro -w /repo gitea/tea:' - tea login add -n -u -t -i ### Usage - tea #### Notes - tea stores its configuration in a file named 'tea.yml', which the above will store on a volume named 'tea' so that it might persist - a pre-built [image](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/tgerczei/tea) is published via the Docker Hub